Youth Inspired Projects

Open Access and Targeted Youth Clubs

The project aims to engage young people and provide fun, informal learning opportunities for young people in their leisure time.  Young people work alongside staff to plan their own programme of activities based upon their interests and needs.

The frequency with which we deliver in any given area is determined by local needs and priorities as agreed in Service Level Agreements with parish councils. Current agreements are in place with:
Duston Parish Council
Hartwell Parish Coucil
Kilsby Parish Council
Litchborough Parish Council
Spratton Parich Council


  • For young people to socialise in a safe and supported environment
  • Young people to develop social and team building skills
  • Increased understanding of local community and community issues
  • Virtual baby project

    CYPN Virtual baby project - baby care

    This project aims to provide young people with a simulated experience of the demands and responsibilities of parenthood/caring for a young child. We have experience of delivering this project to young people aged 13-19 both male and female including young people with special educational needs.

    Young people can also take part in a homecare period, where the young person has to care for the virtual baby for a 24-72 hour period. This homecare period can be delivered through a residential at an additional cost. This can be delivered countywide and generally delivered over 6-12 weeks (approx. 48-72 hours) depending on the needs of the group.


  • Understanding of the implications/responsibilities of becoming a carer – emotional, physical, logistical and financial
  • Exploring positive and negative relationships
  • Understanding the need to make good decisions and how alcohol/drugs can affect our ability to do this
  • Understanding of how to maintain good sexual health’ – Delivery team bit is the same

    Delivery team: Youth Workers, Drug Workers, First Aid professionals
    Group size: Maximum 8, minimum 4 

    Age group: 14 plus, can be delivered to young students 

  • Driving Project

    Youth driving project to reduec road casualties in Northampton

    We deliver a project aimed at reducing road casualties by raising young peoples awareness of road safety issues from the perspective of a vehicle driver, passenger and pedestrian.

    The programme looks at the impact of distractions including alcohol and drugs on driver ability.

    The programme is delivered interactively using a combination of methods including games, PowerPoints, virtual reality goggles and a simulation experience.
    It is ideally delivered over 2 x 2 hour sessions.


  • Understanding of the issues surrounding road safety 
  • Increased understanding of key issues delivered throughout the programme 

    Delivery team: Youth Workers
    Group size: Maximum 8, minimum 4
    Age group: 13 plus, can be delivered younger than this but without the VR element

  • Volunteer Passport

    This project delivers a Nationally Accredited Level 1 qualification to successful candidates of any age. It can be focussed around young people or adult members of the community and aims to cover 6 keys areas including:
  • An introduction to working with young people
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Keeping Yourself and Others Safe
  • Health and Safety
  • First Aid
  • The Person Centred Approach

  • It can be delivered flexibly over 2 full days or a number of evenings and can acknowledge prior learning in the place of some of the modules. 


  • Understanding of the implications/responsibilities of becoming a volunteer
  • Raised self esteem and confidence 
- Increased attainment and attendance
  • can be linked to course work 
  • Increased understanding of key issues delivered throughout the programme 

    Delivery team: Youth Workers, Drug Workers, First Aid professionals  

    Group size: Maximum 30, minimum 6 

    Age group: 13 – adult